Show Some Love

Jan 30, 2020

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, and the pink and red it brings with it is a lovely bright spot in the gray winter months.

A relatively recent development is the celebration of love between friends on or around February 14. Once reserved for romance, people now take a moment to tell friends and other family members that they, too, are in their hearts.


As philanthropists, we feel a real claim to Cupid’s special day as well. The word philanthropy literally translates to “love of humankind.” When we donate to a cause we care about, we are showing love for the world around us and the people who will benefit from the mission of the organization we supported.

Why not add a favorite charity or two to your valentine list? Sending a lovely note of gratitude for the work they do all year or dropping by with a few treats are small actions that would make a big difference in the otherwise stressful day of a caseworker or other caregiver. Many organizations have wish lists of affordable items that they need, including things you may already have around the house.

Heck, even a quick email with a funny cat meme would do the trick. Actually, in our office that would be the purrrrfect way to show some love.

Sending Valentine wished to you from everyone here at the Community Foundation!