Toni Morrison

Toni Morrison

The world lost an icon on August 5, 2019. By now you have likely read a number of moving remembrances of this iconic author and Nobel Prize winner, many of which tap into her prolific written legacy to remind us how powerful and brilliant she was in her own words....
Redefining what it means to “work”

Redefining what it means to “work”

While on our CFxChange to Montana, we visited Foundant Technologies, our grant and financial management software company. We set up a training to learn how we might best simplify our grant and scholarship procedures. Sounds boring, right? It was far from it! Foundant...
Quality of Life

Quality of Life

Every five years we embark on an exciting strategic planning journey. Though we have a clear sense of our ultimate goal – to create a permanent charitable endowment flexible enough to meet the needs of the community now and forever – it is important to pause and talk...
Their Challenges Are Also Our Challenges

Their Challenges Are Also Our Challenges

We’re still reeling from our CFxChange trip to the beautiful state of Montana. It was an amazing professional development opportunity to dig in and work with communities that are literally 2,236 miles away from home. This was so different from any conference or...
Traveling Philanthropy

Traveling Philanthropy

Last fall, the Community Foundation helped sponsor TBeX, a travel blogger conference brought to the Finger Lakes. As a sponsor, we hosted a “pre-bex tour” centered around philanthropy: “Voluntourism and finding meaningful giving as you travel. I remember when one of...


I’ve found my way to a new volunteer gig: hosting the hospitality room at CPPHS home band events. This means I get to set up a lovely spread of food and drinks donated by band families to feed the visiting bands’ staff and bus drivers. Judges tend to drop in, too, for...